Study Region

Bioenergy region Wittenberg

Wittenberg County labels itself as bioenergy region. In co-operation with the counties of Northern Saxony and Anhalt-Bitterfeld as well as the city of Dessau-Roßlau, the bioenergy region in the centre of East Germany pursues the goal of 100% energy from renewable sources.

Spacious grasslands and agricultural areas, floodplains, forests and reforested post-mining landscapes offer great amounts of currently unused secondary resources for the creation of re-production chains.

Climate protection region Elbe-Elster

The county Elbe-Elster profiles itself as climate protection area for years and is responsible for the forum “Climate protection und rural development” in the Energy region Lusatia-Spree Forest Ltd.

Forestal waste materials, purified waste water, unused waste heat from biogas facilities as well as new operator models for energy provision offer countless opportunities for regional re-production chains.