

The development of new instruments and tools supporting the decision-making for housing, industry and retail projects required the consideration of various aspects as well as their appropriate linkages and balances. Therefore, RegioProjektCheck consisted of different components:

  • Analysis and assessment of the regional stakeholders’ problem perception
  • Analysis of regional framework conditions and transformations as well as derivation of development scenarios
  • Analysis of structures and interdependencies within the subjects housing, industry and local supply respectively retail
  • Comprehension, modelling and assessment of project effects in seven thematic realms (see research scheme)
  • Reflexion of gained experiences during the use of the tool-set and the dialogue with stakeholders in both model regions (see study area)

Focus group

The focus group for the results of RegioProjektCheck and the newly developed tools consists of all agents that are involved in land use decisions, such as members of the local and regional administration, as well as representatives of politics, economy and planning.

Project team

Four partners from scientific institutions as well as regional and local consultants were involved in the project: The HafenCity University of Hamburg, the ILS - Research Institute for Regional and Urban Development as well as the planning office Gertz Gutsche Rümenapp - Urban Development and Mobility were responsible for analysing, modelling and executing a benchmark of the calculated effects. The Institute Raum & Energie was responsible for moderating the dialogue with representatives of the model regions. Furthermore, they were in charge of incorporating the requirements noted by the planning practice.

Qualified results regarding the development and use of tools that show the impacts of land use planning and settlement development can already be derived from other research projects, e.g. from REFINA-projects, that were funded by the German federal government. The members of the project team already possessed respective experience, which was used and deepened in the course of the RegioProjektCheck project.