

Four model regions in the greater landscape „North German Plain“ were analysed. Within the model regions the “ecological basis”, “usage of land and resources”, “value creation on a company and regional level”, “risk management” as well as interactions of the land use systems today and in the future were assessed in a nested approach.
The analysis of the status quo was carried out by means of key indicators, like regional climate parameter, location factors, local water budget, production methods, risks, economic indicators, recreation and conservation services, landscape perception, etc.

According to the broad research approach the working groups employed diverse data and methods. Primary information was derived from monitoring networks, literature, and statistics. Those were complemented by regional data, like ecological monitoring, inventory data, and other forms of data collection. Moreover, additional data will be gathered from experiments, indicator areas, cooperating companies, and choice-experiments.

Project partners

The scientific work was carried out in 21 subprojects dealing with climatology, water management, agriculture, forestry, socio-economics plus the coordinating unit. Additionally, five partners of the four model regions were involved.
The following institutions participate:

  • Helmholtz-Centre for Ecological Research (UFZ)
  • University of Vechta
  • Eberswalde Forestry Research Institute of the State of Brandenburg (LFE)
  • Administrative District Diepholz
  • Administrative District Uelzen
  • Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF)
  • Northwest German Forest Research Station (NW-FVA – joint project coordination)
  • Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
  • Regional Planning Authority Havelland-Fläming
  • Regional Planning Authority Oderland-Spree
  • Regional Planning Authority Anhalt-Bitterfeld-Wittenberg
  • Technical University of Berlin
  • University of Halle-Wittenberg
  • Georg-August-University Göttingen
  • University of Kiel
  • University of Rostock