

For the €LAN-project a methodological approach was designed, which intensively stresses interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary cooperation. An integrated model regarding land use and traffic was developed that enables a simulation of spatial impacts in consequence of changing energy prices and subsequently changing behavior of the population and the economy. The model was linked with a social scientific experimental game, where politicians and administration are asked to face the effects of energy price development. Thus, an iterative-designed simulation experiment emerged. This iterative loop runs through a determined period of 20 years (2010-2030).

The main module “Integrated Model of Land Use and Traffic” on the one hand is an IT-based modelling tool that quantifies adaptive reactions to changing environments in a given period.

On the other hand, the module “Exhibiting Political Decision Processes”, which bases on a comprehensive policy-analysis, is a social and political science-oriented experiment in which political actors of the considered regions were confronted with the results of the model calculation. Based on this, they were asked to define aims, measures and focal points of their responsibility and decision fields in order to react to these adaptation requirements in an adequate manner. By design and by order of participating actors, the experiment’s structure reflects the complex, often multi-level governance administrations in a specially selected research area.