VIP-Project "Vorpommern initiative for paludiculture" wins German Sustainabilty Award 2013

State Secratary Dr. Georg Schütte (left) congratulates Prof. Joosten (right) - photo: Marc Darchinger

And the winner is: VIP! The joint project "VIP - Vorpommern initiative for paludiculture" as part of the "Sustainable Land Management" funding measure was selected for the German Sustainability Award 2013 in the category "Research Award - Sustainable Development". The Honorary Award recognizes outstanding initiatives that have made an exceptional contribution to the cause of sustainability at a national or international level.

The jury appreciated the development of new products and innovative harvesting concepts for rewetted peatlands as well as the integrative research concept which recognizes regional actors interests and knowledge early on.

VIP is part of the "Sustainable land management" funding measure, launched by the German ministry of Research and Education. The main common point of the thirteen projects is to develop and implement new, sustainable and feasible solutions for several German regions with various challenges. New system solutions for a sustainable land management will be developed and tested.

For further information on the award click here.

Find out more about the project.