Upcoming Event: Land Use and Water Quality (Wien; 21.-24.9.2015)

This conference aims at discussing the entire policy cycle for water quality improvement.

The objectives are: to provide forum for exchange of scientific knowledge, research on system knowledge, modelling and uncertainty; to discuss the entire policy cycle for water quality improvement; to intensify contacts (a) between soil/water related scientists, agro related scientists, social scientists, ecological scientists and economists, and (b) between scientists, water managers and policy makers.

Conference themes and topics:
A) Increasing system knowledge: research to increase understanding and improving modelling of the hydro(geo)logical, geochemical and biochemical reality
B) Impact of climate change and hydrological/weather variability: assessment of effect on groundwater and surface water quality and distinguishing from manmade effects
C) Assessment of national policy: effectiveness of programmes of measures on water quality on a regional and national scale
D) Field research and data interpretation: research (monitoring and modelling) at plot and field scale for quantifying effects of farming practices and changes in land use
E) Managing protected areas: risk assessment monitoring and modelling of water quality and quantity, for drinking water supply and ecosystem conservation within Habitat and Species Protection Areas
F) Decision-making and implementation: role of policy, stakeholder and science in decision-making
G) Decision-making and implementation: social and economic incentives and constraints for implementation (carrots and sticks)
