Global Soil Week: Integrating governance of land-use and energy systems

Energy and land management belong together. This can be stated as core message in retrospective to the 2nd annual Global Soil Week that took part in Berlin, Germany.

In co-operation with several international research institutions, the scientific coordination project (Module B) from ZALF conducted a session with the title "Integrated governance for energy security and sustainable land use" on October 29th. Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammersdorf (joint project BEST) and Dr. Wolf Dieter Sondermann (joint project KuLaRuhr) joined the discussion as representives from the Sustainable Land Management funding measure.

Discussions clearly showed different challenges in global perspectives when it comes to the question of land-use and energy production. Adding a governance perspective to standard natural sciences approaches, meaning a shift towards negotiation processes between actors of land-use, was deemed as necessary by the session attendees.

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